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Chicago > Community > General Community > Thinking about doing a HAUNTED HOUSE as a fundraiser? I can help!

Thinking about doing a HAUNTED HOUSE as a fundraiser? I can help!

Chicago, IL • 08/21/2007

Fall is approaching fast and if your group or charity is thinking about holding a haunted house this year to raise funds, the time to start making plans is now.

For two years I organized, planned and created a haunted house for a local group but the but the building we had been using is no longer available. So this year I have tons and tons of high quality masks, props, costumes, lights, audio equipment and set pieces with no building to put them in. Essentially I have a ready made haunted house that just needs a home. If you have a building at your disposal and your group is interested in holding a highly profitable fundraiser that also happens to be a incredible amount of fun, let me know and we can discuss the logistics. A few pics from our previous haunts are below. I have lots of other pictures I can send if you're interested in seeing what we can do.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Chicago, IL

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