Looking for Moms with 1yr -5yr olds for Paid Research
Chicago, IL • 08/29/2007
If you are a mom with children between the ages of 1yr & 5yrs, living with you full time. We need you for a paid research study. Please send us your responses to the following questions. If you fit the criteria we will give you a call. We are paying a minimum of $50 for a 45-minute interview, if you qualify & participate. Make sure you send your name & phone number. Thanks for your continued interest.
1. Please record your children's birth date & gender between 1yr & 5yrs only?
1st child's Birth date & Gender _________________________
2nd child's Birth date & Gender _________________________
3rd child's Birth date & Gender _________________________
2. Your Age: ___________________
3. Your name: _________________________________
4. Number where we can reach you: ____________________________________
5. Alternative number: _______________________________________
6. Best time to call: _______________________________
Posted by: OhSoHandy User
Located: Chicago, IL
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